air wolf pin design production sheet $40.00
Nazgul original mock up line-art piece $60.00 / Sold Out
white wizard original inked mock up piece $50.00 / Sold Out
Scott Walker's brain $30.00 / On Sale
Buck Grazing - original hand inked art $60.00 / Sold Out
Sting the Orcblade 12x24 glow blue $450.00
Bic Pen Bukowski drawing from my sketchbook $95.00
The Goon - original hand inked artwork $200.00 / Sold Out
The Others $600.00 / Sold Out
Dit Ka! giclee' print $30.00
Logo for Carnage Comix/Eric Jinx $100.00
Rusty Spoon inked original art piece $250.00
Muskee Original inked art $40.00 / Sold Out
Zombie comic book wedding save the date artwork commission $150.00 / Sold Out